Jessica Golby – Producer/ Production Manager. Whilst at university Jess has engaged in a range of roles within various productions including acting, directing and stage managing. It was in the managerial side of a production where she found her organisational skills fit best and therefore thought production manager was the best suited role within the birds. After graduating the University of Lincoln, Jess is going travelling to New Zealand where she hopes to find new opportunities and inspiration. Although she is taking break from the theatre world for a bit, in the future she hopes to combine her love of theatre and animal and marine conservation.
Jamee – Lee Flemming – Stage Manager. Jamee has taken on many stage management roles whilst her time at University, including Richard II, Shopping and F**king, and The History Boys. Within this she has gained the knowledge of not only what it means to be on stage but also what happens backstage too. Jamee is very excited to be on this project with Bird’s Eye View Theatre and is looking forward to what we bring to the stage, whether it is performing or technical. She hopes you enjoy the show as much as she has being a part of it.
Lauren Kirby- Director. During her time at University Lauren has found her feet by undertaking various roles within production such as performing, costume and props and directing. During her third year her love for directing has progressed and she is excited to collaborate with Ellie and Charlotte in staging the basis of a text for the birds to perform. After university Lauren is keen to travel and gain as many new life experiences and insights as possible. She hopes to return to directing sometime in future, and maybe even form a new theatre company.
Ellie Colleridge – Dance Director. During her time at Lincoln University Ellie has really enjoyed the amount of performance and directing opportunities made available to her and is especially excited to be a part of ‘Sincerely Yours,’. She has taken part in lots of extra-curricular shows including the BBC Dambusters 70th anniversary production and is currently in a National Theatre Connections play called ‘A Letter to Lacy’. Ellie plans to travel following graduation and hopes that her role as a director in ‘Sincerely Yours,’ sparks an enthusiasm to direct professionally in the future.
Charlotte Mooney – Musical Director. Charlotte has enjoyed her time at the University of Lincoln and loves all aspects of the drama field. During her time she has been involved in lots of musical drama and is currently involved in the BBPA advertising campaign and hopes to one day go into musical theatre. After graduating she hopes to gain experience through working with Creation Theatre Company in Oxford and develop her skills after travelling and experiencing some of the world.
Louise Pearson – Assistant Stage Manager. Throughout her time at university Louise has enjoyed learning a wide variety of skills, from trying her hand at playwriting to technical theatre. Though she does enjoy acting, Louise is currently most interested in the Stage Management side of theatre, where she can put her organisational and problem solving skills to good use. At university she has had a hand in the stage management of student productions including A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet2, and Shoot/Get Treasure/Repeat as well as spending last summer on work placement with the Nottingham Playhouse’s Stage Management team which she found very exciting! Louise is really looking forward to this performance and is finding the process of creating a show from scratch, based on people’s personal stories, really inspiring.
Emily Cox – Social Media Marketing. Whilst being at university Emily has been involved in a variety of performances, productions and even events. Originally enjoying the performance side of drama she took on roles such as, being an extra in short films for 4Front Performance Company, being a technical runner at the Queens Jubilee Celebrations at RAF Cosford and voice overs for the Digs Pavillions ‘Moving in Guide’. More recently she has found her feet in the managerial roles within the arts, shadowing the producer at a Jessie J concert, teaching drama, being part of the events management team for Frequency festival and working at Theatre Severn, as a steward and volunteering in their marketing department. She hopes to take up a managerial role in a theatre or museum and pursue an events management master’s degree after leaving university.
Lauren Simpson – Marketing and PR. During her time at university, Lauren has been a part of many exciting projects and performances. From stage combat, to singing songs from shows, to documentary theatre, she has always put her all into creating a strong performance. However, more recently she has discovered a love for marketing shows as well as performing in them. So far she has marketed three sell out shows, and two of those shows were the full auditorium containing 444 seats. She hopes that this experience will stand her in good stead when she applies for an arts marketing internship at the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre next year. She is looking forward to getting stuck in to this performance with both a marketing and acting role.
Sarah Newton – Hair, Make-up and Costume. Over the past three years, whilst at University, Sarah has had her hands in many pies, so to speak. She has used her time at Lincoln to partake in acting, script writing, soundscape making and singing. So she thought it was time to try something new and took on the challenge of being in charge of costume, makeup and props. After all the birds need to look tip top for performance day! When the year is over Sarah hopes to return home and spend some quality time with her family before travelling around Europe in 2015. After her short break from the theatrical world Sarah’s future and heart lies in the field of Theatre for Children.
Jennie Chapman – Dramaturg. Whilst at University, Jennie has thoroughly enjoyed the experience and is grateful for the opportunities that have been given to her. Jennie has tried her hand in many things including directing, singing and dancing with the cast of Encore! and stage combat to name a few. She is really excited to be one of the birds and is looking forward to the final performance. Jennie hopes to travel after graduating and settle into a continuing career in drama.