9:00am – 9:30am
Wake up, possibly have breakfast if you’re the breakfast eating kind of person, I am not. Stuff a snack in my bag for later, (I’m going to need it) get dressed, brush teeth and leave the house ready for the day.
10:00am – 12:00 pm
Arrive at rehearsals, early! I try to never be late. Rehearsals could include any of the following: Waltz, fox trot, singing, acting, movement and playing games. When the session finishes I usually feel inspired and leave with a new request added to the props list.
12:00pm – 2:00pm
SHOPPING! No not the fun kind where I buy myself new clothes… I shop around to find the best deals on the things that we need for the performance, usually at the request of one of the directors. But can also include collaboration with our production manager and/or stage manager. The cheaper the better so not to waste the budget! So far shopping has included brooms, chicken wire, sheets and wooden pegs.
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Lunch break! I am partial to a bacon sarnie and a cup of tea (yes I’m northern), whilst I relax and watch mindless television, ‘come dine with me’ is a personal favourite.
3:00pm – 6:00pm
Getting creative! Using the previously bought chicken wire I get my creative juices flowing and begin to assemble props requested for a dance scene. So not to give too much away I will sum these three hours of my day up: If I cannot buy, steal or borrow an item then it may have to be made using my own two hands.
6:00pm – 8:00pm
I take a good two hours for dinner as I love to make meals from fresh, especially if it’s Spaghetti Bolognese! At dinner time I treat myself to a TV show, at the moment I’ve been watching Nikita and it is getting very intense.
8:00pm -9:00pm
As deadlines draw nearer, I tend to spend my evenings writing small sections of essays, too much writing at once and I will stop making sense. Perhaps I’ll do a cheeky blog as well, who knows.
9:00pm onwards
Shower, late night snack and my last cup of tea before settling down for the evening, eventually drifting off to sleep.
Please Note: This is an average day for me and is not a realistic view on my everyday activities, although I wish I could afford to go shopping every day. Each week Birds Eye View Theatre is working towards our final performance and so each day is different but just as important towards making something incredible for you, our audience. Enjoy!